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Guests and Accounts

Nextep Portal Accounts Guests and Accounts

From the Guest Accounts page, manage guests and their chargeable accounts for a revenue center.

Search for Guest Account

Nextep Portal Accounts Guests and Accounts

To search for a guest account:

  1. In the Search field, type the guest account search criteria, such as the account number or guest name.

  2. From the Status dropdown, select an account status filter.

  3. From the Revenue Center dropdown, select the revenue center where the account is registered.

  4. Select the account types to include in the search results:

    • Registered Guests

    • Chargeable Accounts

    • Partial Accounts

  5. From the Chargeable Account Type dropdown, select the applicable chargeable account.

  6. From the lower-left, select Search.

Add Guest Account

Nextep Portal Accounts Guests and Accounts

To add a guest account:

  1. In the lower-left of the Guest Accounts page, select Add Account.

  2. In the upper-left, select a tab to access the respective settings. The following describes each tab:




    Personal details, including name, address, and contact information.

    Online Registration

    Register the guest's email to enable the guest to login and place online/mobile orders.

    Revenue Centers

    Identify the revenue centers where the account is valid.

    Chargeable Accounts

    Add chargeable accounts the guest can use to pay in-store with external tenders.


    Identify the guest's allergies.

    Registration Code

    Manage registration codes for the account.

  3. In the lower-left, select OK to save the new account.

Guest Account - Details

The following describes the fields on the Details tab of the Add Guest Account page.




From the dropdown, select the current status of the account:

  • Active - Account is currently active and eligible to process transactions.

  • Locked - Account is currently inactive and ineligible to process transactions.

  • Archived - Account is currently inactive and archived for historical purposes.

  • Pending - Account is currently inactive and pending approval.

Company Name

Name of the associated company.


Employee ID assigned to the account (if applicable).

First Name

First name of the guest. This field is required.

Last Name

Last name of the guest. This field is required.


Email address of the guest.


Street address of the guest.


City where the guest is located.


From the dropdown, select the state where the guest is located. This field is required.

Postal Code

Postal code where the guest is located.


From the dropdown, select the gender of the guest.

Date of Birth

Date the guest was born.


General notes about the guest.

New Phone

Phone number of the guest.

In the Ext field, type the guest's extension (if applicable).


From the dropdown, select the phone type.

Select Add Phone to add an additional phone number.

Associated IDs

Select Add Associated ID to add an ID and ID Type that is associated with the guest (if applicable).

Guest Account - Online Registration

On the Online Registration tab of the Add Guest Account page, register the guest for online ordering. Once registered, the guest can login and place orders on online/mobile ordering sites. A valid email address is required.

To register a guest for online ordering:

  1. From the Online Registration tab, select Register Guest.

  2. In the User Name field, type the user name of the guest.

  3. From the lower-left, select OK.

The Last Login field specifies the date/time the guest last logged in to their account.

Guest Account - Revenue Centers

From the Revenue Centers tab of the Add Guest Account page, select the revenue centers where the guest's chargeable accounts are valid.

  1. From the Available Revenue Centers field, select the revenue center.

  2. Select the right-arrow to move the selected revenue center to the Selected Revenue Center field.


    To move all revenue centers to the Selected Revenue Center field, select the double right-arrow.

  3. From the lower-left, select OK.

Guest Account - Chargeable Accounts

From the Chargeable Accounts tab of the Add Guest Account page, add one or more chargeable accounts the guest uses to tender orders. To view accounts that are archived and/or deactivated, select Show Archived / Deactivated.

To add a chargeable account:

  1. In the lower-left of the Chargeable Accounts tab, select Add Chargeable Account.

  2. In the Chargeable Account Details section, define the following:



    Account #

    Type the account number.


    From the dropdown, select the account type. The account type cannot be changed once the account is created.


    Guest personal ID number for the account.


    From the dropdown, select the current status of the account.


    To remove an active account, select Archived.

    Expiration Date

    Select the calendar icon to select the account expiration date.

  3. In the Attributes section, add an attribute to identify the account (optional).

    • In the Name field, type the attribute name.

    • In the Value field, type the attribute value.

    • Select Add Attribute.

  4. From the lower-left, select Save.

  5. From the lower-left, select OK.

Guest Account - Allergies

The Allergies tab of the Guest Accounts page identifies the guest's food allergies.

Guest Account - Registration Code

From the Registration Code tab of the Add Guest Account page, manage registration codes for the account.

Register Rewards

Nextep Portal Accounts Guests and Accounts

To resend the signup link to guests who are signed up for rewards, but not yet registered:

  1. From the lower-left of the Guest Accounts page, select Rewards Registration.

  2. From the Rewards Account dropdown, select the account type.

  3. In the Message field, type the message to send to the guest accounts.

    Default message: "Complete signup process to redeem offers"

  4. In the provided field, type the date OR select the calendar icon to select the date from a calendar.

    The signup link is only sent to guests who signed up after the specified date.

  5. Select Resend Link.