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Login to Xenial Portal

To login to the Xenial Portal:

  1. From the upper-right of the Xenial website, select Login.

  2. Locate Xenial Portal, and then select Login.

  3. In the provided fields on the Login page, type the email address and password.

    • Type the login credentials that were registered with the Xenial Portal.

  4. Select Login.

Multi-Factor Authentication

The following describes the process for Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) of users on the Xenial Cloud Portal. The MFA process consists of the initial setup of a user and the multi-factor authentication of the user.

New Users

To login as a new user:

  1. From the Xenial Portal login screen, type the user's email address and password in the provided fields.

  2. Select Log in.

    • A new user account is created with the provided email address.

    • A “One-time verification code” email is sent to the provided email address.

  3. Open the email to view a unique code. This code is used to verify the email address.

  4. Return to the Xenial Portal.

  5. In the Enter Code Received field on the Email Verification page, type the verification code.

  6. Select Verify.


    • Below the Submit Code button, select Privacy to read the privacy terms.

    • Below the Submit Code button, select What is MFA? to read more information about multi-factor authentication.

    • If necessary, select Resend to send a different verification code to the email address.

Existing Users

To login as an existing user:

  1. From the Xenial Portal login screen, type the user's email address and password in the provided fields.

  2. Select Log in.

    • A “One-time verification code” email is sent to the provided email address.

  3. Open the email to view a unique code. This code is used to verify the email address.

  4. Return to the Xenial Portal.

  5. In the Enter Code Received field on the Email Verification page, type the verification code.

  6. Select Verify.


    • Below the Submit Code button, select Privacy to read the privacy terms.

    • Below the Submit Code button, select What is MFA? to read more information about multi-factor authentication.

    • If necessary, select Resend to send a different verification code to the email address.

Reset Locked Account

After five (5) failed login attempts, a Xenial Portal user will be locked from their account. The following describes how to reset Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for a user when their account is locked.

To reset a locked account:

  1. Open the Xenial Portal.

  2. From the dropdown in the upper-right, select Admin.

  3. From the left navigation menu, select All People.

  4. From the people list, locate the account to reset.

  5. From the Actions column, select Reset MFA. When the account is reset, the following message is displayed: "MFA Reset was successful".

Change Password

To change a Xenial Portal password:

  1. In the upper-right of the Xenial Portal header, select the down arrow next to the user name.

  2. From the dropdown, select Change Password.

  3. In the Current Password field, type the current password.

  4. In the New Password field, type the new password.

    Password Requirements

    • Eight (8) or more characters

    • At least one (1) special character (e.g. @, !, #, $, %)

    • At least one (1) number

    • Upper & lowercase letters

  5. In the Confirm New Password field, type the new password again.

  6. Select Submit.