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Xenial Product Documentation

Configure Question

Xenial Cloud Portal4-Dot MenuSuite CateringSuite Admin SettingsQuestions

To create, edit, or remove a question:

  1. Navigate to the Suite Catering Questions area.

  2. From the upper-right of the Questions area, select New Question.

  3. In the Question field of the Create Question popup, type the question.

  4. In the Description field, type description about the question.

  5. From the Type area, select a question type.

  6. From the Target Group area, select the account type that the question is targeted for.

    • Owner: This question is for the suite owners.

    • Rental: This question is for the suite renters.

    • Guest: This question is for temporary guest accounts.

  7. In the Required area, determine whether the question is mandatory on the SuiteSpot.

  8. In the Secondary Question area, determine when to display the secondary question.

    • This area is only editable for Yes/No primary questions. Secondary question display depends on the primary question's answer: Secondary Question - Yes for Yes response, Secondary Question - No for No response. It's possible to add a secondary question for a "Yes" response to the primary question and another for a "No" response.

    • If selecting the option(s), note the following when defining the secondary question:

      • The secondary question can either be a Yes/No question or an open-ended question.

      • The target group for the secondary question must be the same as or a subset of the target group for the primary question.

  9. From the lower-right area, select Save.

  10. If necessary, select the vertical ellipsis menu of the question and select Edit or Remove to edit or remove the question.