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Xenial Product Documentation

Manual Fee

Xenial Cloud Portal 4-Dot Menu Data Management Ordering Settings Discounts & Fees Fees

To create a fee that is applied manually at the POS:

  1. From the upper-right of the Fee List screen, select New Fee.

  2. From the menu pane on the left, select a page and define the respective settings.

    The following introduces the pages of the Fee List editor.




    Define general settings about a fee including the calculation method and the revenue GL account.


    Define availability settings by POS screen, order source, order destination, and event type.

    Qualify Criteria

    Define the criteria an order must meet at the POS to qualify for the fee.

    Apply Criteria

    Define application criteria, including the particular item sources and/or items to use when calculating a percentage-based fee.


    The Apply Criteria page is only available for the following Fee Methods:

    • Fixed Percentage

    • Range

    • Custom Percentage


    Identify the Xenial roles that have permission to apply the fee at the POS.


From the General page of the Fee List editor, define the following settings for a Manual fee:




Type a name for the fee.


Type a code to identify the fee.

Application Method

Select Manual to indicate the fee is manually applied to orders by the user.

Fee Method

Select the calculation method for the fee:

  • Custom Amount - The currency amount is specified by the user when the fee is applied at the POS.

  • Custom Percentage - The order total percentage is specified by the user when the fee is applied at the POS.

  • Fixed Amount - Apply the same currency amount to all qualifying orders.

  • Fixed Percentage - Apply the same order total percentage to all qualifying orders.

  • Range - Define a unique method and value for the fee when the order total falls within one or more specified ranges.

Fee Method: Custom Amount

The following describes the fields to define when Custom Amount is selected from the Fee Method field.



Maximum Amount

Type the maximum currency amount of the fee.

Multi-site users: To the right of the field, select the globe icon to define values for each site.

Tax Group

From the dropdown, select the tax group for the fee.

Multi-site users: To the right of the field, select the globe icon to define values for each site.

Revenue GL Account

From the dropdown, select the general ledger account for the fee.

Fee Method: Custom Percentage

The following describes the fields to define when Custom Percentage is selected from the Fee Method field.



Discount Consideration

From the dropdown, select the applicable option:

  • Use Pre-Discount Price - The fee calculation uses the original price of the order item(s).

  • Use Post-Discount Price - The fee calculation uses the price of the order item(s) after all discounts are applied.

Maximum Amount

Type the maximum currency amount for the fee.

If a value is not defined for this field, then a limit is not set on the fee amount.

Multi-site users: To the right of the field, select the globe icon to define values for each site.

Tax Group

From the dropdown, select the tax group for the fee.

Multi-site users: To the right of the field, select the globe icon to define values for each site.

Revenue GL Account

From the dropdown, select the general ledger account for the fee.

Fee Method: Fixed Amount

The following describes the fields to define when Fixed Amount is selected from the Fee Method field.




Type the currency amount of the fee.

Multi-site users: To the right of the field, select the globe icon to define values for each site.

Tax Group

From the dropdown, select the tax group for the fee.

Multi-site users: To the right of the field, select the globe icon to define values for each site.

Revenue GL Account

From the dropdown, select the general ledger account for the fee.

Fee Method: Fixed Percentage

The following describes the fields to define when Fixed Percentage is selected from the Fee Method field.



Discount Consideration

From the dropdown, select the applicable option:

  • Use Pre-Discount Price - The fee calculation uses the original price of the order item(s).

  • Use Post-Discount Price - The fee calculation uses the price of the order item(s) after all discounts are applied.


Type the percentage amount of the fee.

Multi-site users: To the right of the field, select the globe icon to define values for each site.

Maximum Amount

Type the maximum currency amount for the fee.

If a value is not defined for this field, then a limit is not set on the fee amount.

Multi-site users: To the right of the field, select the globe icon to define values for each site.

Tax Group

From the dropdown, select the tax group for the fee.

Multi-site users: To the right of the field, select the globe icon to define values for each site.

Revenue GL Account

From the dropdown, select the general ledger account for the fee.

Fee Method: Range

The following describes the fields to define when Range is selected from the Fee Method field.



Discount Consideration

From the dropdown, select the applicable option:

  • Use Pre-Discount Price - The fee calculation uses the original price of the order item(s).

  • Use Post-Discount Price - The fee calculation uses the price of the order item(s) after all discounts are applied.

Tax Group

From the dropdown, select the tax group for the fee.

Multi-site users: To the right of the field, select the globe icon to define values for each site.

Revenue GL Account

From the dropdown, select the general ledger account for the fee.

Range Sets

To add and configure order total range sets:

  1. From the Range Sets section, select Add Range Set.

  2. From the Range Set window, define the following:

    • Range Set Name - Type a name for the range set.

    • Discount Consideration - From the dropdown, select the applicable option.

      The selected option determines whether the fee calculation uses the price of the order item(s) before or after all discounts are applied.

  3. Select Add Range to add an order total range to the set.

  4. From the Create Range window, define the following:

    • Start and end of the order total range.

    • The desired fee method: Fixed Amount or Fixed Percentage.

    • The specific fee amount or percentage for the order total range.

Add as many ranges to the range set as needed.


From the Availability page of the Fees editor, define availability settings for a fee, including:

  • The active status of the fee at each site.

  • Any conditions that affect the availability of the fee, including the order source, order destination, and/or event type.

Active Status

From the Availability page of the Fee List editor, define availability settings for a fee:

  1. From the Availability page, locate the Availability section.

  2. Toggle Active to Active if the fee is available for use at the site.

    Multi-site users: To the right of the field, select the globe icon to define values for each site.

  3. From the Visibility field, select the POS screens where the fee is available for selection by the user.

Availability Conditions

From the Availability Conditions section, define availability settings for the fee by order source, order destination, and event type.

Order Source

Identify the order sources that are eligible for the fee:

  1. From the Availability Conditions section, locate the Order Sources line.

  2. To the far-right of the Order Sources line, select Edit from the 3-dot menu.

  3. From the Condition dropdown, select the applicable option:




    (Default) The fee is available for all order sources.

    Only the Following

    The fee is only available for the selected order sources.

    1. Select Add Order Sources.

    2. From the Add Order Sources window, select the order sources.

    3. From the lower-right, select Add # Order Sources.

    4. From the lower-right, select Add Condition.

    Excluding the Following

    The fee is available for all order sources EXCEPT for the selected order sources.

    1. Select Add Order Sources.

    2. From the Add Order Sources window, select the order sources.

    3. From the lower-right, select Add # Order Sources.

    4. From the lower-right, select Add Condition.


Identify the order destinations that are eligible for the fee:

  1. From the Availability Conditions section, locate the Destinations line.

  2. To the far-right of the Destinations line, select Edit from the 3-dot menu.

  3. From the Condition dropdown, select the applicable option:




    (Default) The fee is available for all order destinations.

    Only the Following

    The fee is only available for the selected order destinations.

    1. Select Add Destinations.

    2. From the Add Destinations window, select the order destinations.

    3. From the lower-right, select Add # Order Destinations.

    4. From the lower-right, select Add Condition.

    Excluding the Following

    The fee is available for all order destinations EXCEPT for the selected order destinations.

    1. Select Add Destinations.

    2. From the Add Destinations window, select the order destinations.

    3. From the lower-right, select Add # Order Destinations.

    4. From the lower-right, select Add Condition.

Event Types

Identify the event types that are eligible for the fee:

  1. From the Availability Conditions section, locate the Event Types line.

  2. To the far-right of the Event Types line, select Edit from the 3-dot menu.

  3. From the Condition dropdown, select the applicable option:




    (Default) The fee is available for all Event Types.

    Only the Following

    The fee is only available for the selected Event Types.

    1. Select Add Event Types.

    2. From the Add Event Types window, select the Event Types.

    3. From the lower-right, select Add # Event Types.

    4. From the lower-right, select Add Condition.

    Excluding the Following

    The fee is available for all Event Types EXCEPT for the selected Event Types.

    1. Select Add Event Types.

    2. From the Add Event Types window, select the Event Types.

    3. From the lower-right, select Add # Event Types.

    4. From the lower-right, select Add Condition.

Qualify Criteria

From the Qualify Criteria page of the Fees editor, define the criteria the guest's order must meet to qualify for the fee, including:

  • Items that are required to be present on the order to qualify for the fee.

  • Items that disqualify an order for the fee if they are present on the order.

Exclusive Criteria

From the Exclusive Criteria section of the Qualify Criteria page, identify the product tags to exclude from the fee.

From the Tags dropdown, select the applicable product tags. If a guest's order contains an item that is associated with one or more of the selected tags, then the fee is NOT applied to the order.

Required Items

From the Required Items section of the Qualify Criteria page, identify the items that are required to be present on the guest's order to qualify for the fee.

From the Condition dropdown, select the desired condition:




The application of the fee does NOT require the order to include specific items.

Any of the Following

To qualify for the fee, the order must include specific items and/or items that are associated with specific tags.

  • From the Tags dropdown, select the applicable product tags. To qualify for the fee, the order must contain one or more items that are associated with the selected tags.

    The order items do not have to be associated with every identified tag, but each identified tag must be represented on the order by at least one item.

  • To identify specific items, select Add Items.

    From the Add Items window, select the items that are required to be present on the order.

    If the order does not include ALL the specified items, then the fee is NOT applied.

Any Except the Following

To qualify for the fee, the order must NOT include specific items and/or items that are associated with specific tags.

  • From the Tags dropdown, select the applicable product tags. To qualify for the fee, the order must NOT include one or more items that are associated with the selected tags.

    The order items do not have to be associated with every identified tag.

  • To identify specific items, select Add Items.

    From the Add Items window, select the items that would disqualify an order for the fee.

    If the order includes at least one of the specified items, then the fee is NOT applied.

Apply Criteria


The Apply Criteria page is only available for the following Fee Methods:

  • Fixed Percentage

  • Range

  • Custom Percentage

From the Apply Criteria page of the Fees editor, define application criteria for a fee, including the particular item sources and/or items to use when calculating a percentage-based fee.

Application Conditions

From the Application Conditions section of the Apply Criteria page, define the following:



Apply to Liability Items

Toggle No if the fee is not applicable to gift cards or gift certificates.

Toggle Yes if the fee is applicable to gift cards or gift certificates.

Apply To Item Sources

Toggle No to not enforce order item source conditions.

Toggle Yes to only apply the fee to specific order item sources regardless of the overall order source.

From the Item Sources section, select Add Item Sources to select the specific order item sources for the fee.

Applicable Items

From the Applicable Items section of the Apply Criteria page, identify the items to use when calculating a percentage-based fee.

From the Condition dropdown, select the desired condition:




All items on the order are used when calculating the percentage-based fee.

Any of the Following

When calculating the fee, only use the specified items and the items associated with the specified tags.

  • From the Tags dropdown, select the applicable product tags.

  • To identify specific items, select Add Items.

    From the Add Items window, select the items to use when calculating the fee.

Any Except the Following

When calculating the fee, do NOT include the specified items or items associated with the specified tags.

  • From the Tags dropdown, select the applicable product tags.

  • To identify specific items, select Add Items.

    From the Add Items window, select the items to NOT use when calculating the fee.


From the Roles page of the Fees editor, define role restrictions for manually applying the fee at the POS.


If role restrictions are not defined, all Xenial roles have permission to apply the fee.

  1. From the Roles page, locate the Roles section.

  2. Toggle Restrict By Roles to Yes.

  3. From the Authorized Roles section, select Add Roles.

  4. From the Add Roles window, select the roles that have permission to apply the fee.

  5. From the lower-right of the Add Roles window, select Add [#] Roles.