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Multiple Deposits Validation

Use the Multiple Deposits Validation function to validate the details for multiple deposits simultaneously, including the original deposit amount and the verified amount. Prior to finalizing the validation, an adjusted amount can be specified for each deposit, if necessary.

Multiple Deposits Validation Overview

Things to Know

What is the lifecycle of a deposit record once it is added?

The lifecycle of a deposit includes the following statuses:

  • Entered - The deposit details are added, but not yet verified or validated.

  • Verified - The deposit details are verified, but not yet validated.

  • Validated - The deposit details are verified and validated.

Are there any time limits for verifying or validating a deposit?

If deposit lockdown rules are defined by the system administrator, the user is prevented from verifying or validating a deposit after the specified time period has passed.

The fields on the Validate Multiple Deposits screen are disabled for deposits that have passed this time period.

What does the Adjusted Amount field value indicate on the Validate Multiple Deposits screen?

The reported "Adjusted Amount" is related to the deposit status.




The Adjusted Amount field indicates the updated deposit amount that was entered when the original deposit was verified.

If the verified deposit amount is the same as the original deposit amount, then the Adjusted Amount field is left blank.


The Adjusted Amount field indicates the updated deposit amount that was entered when the verified deposit was validated.

If the validated deposit amount is the same as the verified amount, then the Adjusted Amount field is left blank.

Multiple Deposits Validation - Instructions

Step by step instructions for validating multiple deposits are provided here:

Search Deposits

Cash Multiple Deposits Validation

  1. From the Stores / Dates field in the upper-left, select the stores / store groups.

  2. From the Custom field, select the calendar icon to choose a date range for the search.

  3. From the calendar popup, define the date range, and then select Apply.

    It is also possible to select Period / Week, Today, or Yesterday as the search date or date range.

  4. From the lower-right of the Stores / Dates field, select Search.

  5. Set the Open Deposits toggle to the desired value:

    • Yes - Only list deposits with an Entered and/or Verified status.

    • No - List all deposits regardless of status.

Validate Multiple Deposits

Cash Multiple Deposits Validation

To validate multiple deposits:

  1. Search for the deposits using the techniques outlined in Search Deposits.

  2. From the upper-right of the Deposits page, select Validate All.

  3. From the deposit list, select Validated next to each validated deposit.

    To identify all the listed deposits as validated, select the Select All button.

    The Select All button is disabled if any of the listed deposits are not eligible for validation.

  4. In the Adjusted Amount field, type the validated amount of the deposit.

    Specifying this value is only necessary if the validated amount is DIFFERENT from the Verified Amount.

    Once the deposit validation is saved, the validated amount will be reported as the final amount of the deposit.

  5. (Optional) In the Comments field, type any comments or notes about the deposit.

  6. From the upper-right of the Validate Multiple Deposits window, select Save.


Set the Open Deposits toggle to the desired value:

  • Yes - Only list deposits with an Entered and/or Verified status.

  • No - List all deposits regardless of status.