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Modifier Collection

Xenial Portal Data Management Ordering Settings Products Product List

To assign a modifier collection to a product:

  1. From the Build page, locate the Modifier Collection section.

  2. From the Modifier Collection dropdown, select the modifier collection.

Default Build Modifiers

To define the default modifier build for a product:

  1. From the Build page, locate the Modifier Collection section.

  2. From the Modifier Collection dropdown, select the modifier collection.

  3. From the Default Build Modifiers section, select Add Modifiers.

    The modifier groups included in the modifier collection selected for the product are listed.

  4. From the Add Items to Default Build window, select the modifiers and/or modifier groups to add to the default build list.

  5. From the lower-right of the window, select Add Item(s).

  6. From the Default Build Modifiers section, specify the modifier quantities (if applicable).


    To remove a modifier from the default build list:

    1. Select the modifier/modifier group from the list.

    2. From the Actions menu, select Remove.

  7. In the Default Build Preparation Instructions field, type the preparation instructions for the product for the kitchen staff.

    Select the image icon The universal image icon. to upload an image, if desired. Accepted image files: PNG, JPEG, and (single frame) GIF.

To identify the modifiers that are included when the product is ordered "Plain":

  1. From the upper-right of the Default Build Modifiers section, toggle on Enable Plain Build.

  2. For each modifier/modifier group that is included in the "Plain" build, toggle Plain Build to Yes.

  3. In the Plain Build Preparation Instructions field, type the preparation instructions for the product's plain build for the kitchen staff.

Order Source Modifier Collections

The following describes how to define a modifier collection for the product for a specific order source. Default and plain build modifier collections will not be affected.

  1. From the Build page, locate the Modifier Collection section.

  2. From the Modifier Collection dropdown, select the modifier collection.

  3. From the Order Source Modifier Collections section, select Add Order Source Modifier Collection.

  4. From the Modifier Collection dropdown, select the modifier collection.

  5. From the Order Sources section, select Add Order Sources.

  6. From the Add Order Sources window, select the order sources.

  7. From the lower-right of the Add Order Sources window, select Add # Items.

  8. From the lower-right of the Order Source Modifier Collection window, select Done.