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Export Item Label

Xenial Cloud Portal 4-Dot Menu Suite Catering Orders Label

To export item labels:

  1. Navigate to the Suite Catering Labels area.

  2. From the upper-right of the Labels area, select Select.

  3. On the Suite & Event Selector popup, select one event for which you want to export item labels.

    • Filter events by event name or event date.

    • Type a keyword in the search box and select the search icon to search for the desired event.

  4. On the Suite & Event Selector popup, select suites for which you want to print labels and select Submit.

  5. Navigate to the Suite Catering Labels area.

  6. From the Event column, directly select the label.

    • Alternatively, select the checkbox next to each label, if selecting multiple labels.

  7. From the upper-left of the Labels area, select Export PDF.


Exported labels are sorted alphabetically. The priority of sorting is: Uppercase letters > Lowercase letters > Number > Special characters