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Account Invoice Report Details

Xenial Cloud Portal 4-Dot Menu Reports SUITE CATERING Account Invoice

The Account Invoice Report displays:

List Header



Account of the invoice

Invoice Number

System-generated invoice ID

Invoice State

State of the invoice:

  • Paid: when the balance is 0.

  • Unpaid: when the balance is greater than 0.

Order Number

System-generated order ID


The suite to deliver the order


The event occurring for the day/time of the order


Shows the individual amounts paid by each payment type for the filtered invoice, along with the total payment amount


After a successful refund of a paid invoice, the payment deducts the refund amount and refund tip.

Invoice Summary

Invoice Total

Total amount due of the invoice


Tip included in this invoice

Invoice and Tip

Invoice Total + Tip


Amount that has not been paid for this invoice


After a successful refund of a paid invoice, the balance increases by the refund amount and refund tip.

Due Date Range

The range within which the invoice's final payment deadline falls. It is calculated based on the number of days after the invoice's creation.

Due Date

The specific date by which the invoice must be paid. It is determined by adding the Due Date Range to the invoice's creation date.


Account Invoice Report exclusively includes data related to Closed orders with invoice payments.